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Clary Phillips is a native of Gaffney, South Carolina, and the mom of two boys. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations from the University of South Carolina and a Master of Arts in Communication Management from Webster University. She works as the Business Manager at Board of Public Works. Clary went to high school with Brandon and met Allison when Allison and Brandon started dating. She is so blessed to count them as two of her closest friends.


Clary will never forget going to visit Allison two years ago when Allison was in the hospital to deliver Judd.  Allison and Brandon were devastated, of course, but even then, before Judd had even been delivered, Allison was talking about what they were planning on doing in the future to build a legacy for their baby boy. Allison and Brandon knew from the very beginning that their ordeal would not be meaningless - they were committed to doing their part to ensure that other families didn't experience the same tragedy they had. Clary is amazed not only at Allison and Brandon's dedication to raising awareness of ICP and their willingness to reach out to other expecting families, but at their ability to bring beauty out of ashes and trust the Lord to redeem their story. What a testimony they are to their friends and family! Clary is so proud to be a part of Judd's Legacy. Together with our supporters, Clary knows we are making a real impact in the fight against ICP as we continue to educate expectant mothers, advocate for better testing, and ultimately save babies' lives.

Philllip's Bio: About Us
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